Sunday, January 3, 2010

...and a Haappyyyyy NEW YEAR!

happy new year

B. spreads the most rocking wishes to everyone with 2010's one&only decent photo...reminiscent of a very drunken night!

As for my -all time classic- New Year's resolution...that is to NEVER embrace the following quote:
"Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve. Middle age is when you're forced to." ~Bill Vaughn
and follow Steve Jobs'advice
''Stay hungry, stay foolish...!


  1. Happy New Year!

    Do you receive the MJ lipstick pen?

    P.S.: ♥Fresh start of 2010? Oh yeah, don't forget to join the Curious Sparrow giveaway!♥

    Good luck!


  2. Hope you've spent a great time during new tear eve!
    Many hugs so far!

  3. xaroumenoo 2010..!!!
    polu wraiaaa foto....

  4. Kali xronia!Euxomai oti kalytero gia to neo etos..

  5. happy new year kouklitsa....

    ade na xaroume ke liiigo emis i par8eni..aaax...atimi litsa patera...

  6. kalh xroniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    axaxaxa exw pethanei me to sxolio ths ninas ! apisteuth!!!
    teleia eisa sth photo mia koukla !kolie foras h einai me to forema auto pu diakrinetai ? moiazei uperoxo !!

  7. to forema to exw dei sta h&m alla you rock it..k to kolie toso chic..
    happy new year with style,amazing blog posts,happiness and beloved people around you!
    p.s.:eida tin copycat su sto fb,so weird..

  8. you guuuys thanx for the wishes, I wishing the best to each of you for this year!!!

    @janetaylor: I got the pen, It's great, thank you sooo much, I am posting it soon!!!

    mairylicious: thank you soo much gorgeous kollie foraw , YEAP k einai ap to oysho: luxury me 9.90 euro , k me rwtisan polloi an einai kimilio :P

    littlestylist: best wishes mikri stylist haha i copycat anikei sto parelthon, reported her and she got shut... ;)

    NINA: an de doume WHITE DAY k auti ti xronia tha travixw ta parthenisia mou mallia... :P


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