What happens when fashion bloggers invade an exhibition?
-People stop checking out art, and the start checking wacky girls taking pictures of them and their shoes!
That's what happens!
Hitting a graffiti exhibition turned into extreme fun having, with all fellow fashion bloggers, and a weblebrity.
Amalucky AKA Amalia Agathou (Glamour Magazine) might not be a fashion blogger yet she drew all attention with her flashy pink maxi dress!
For the moment my blogging habbits go through a recess period. I blame it on the heat and I am hopping I will somehow regain my blog-appetite soon.
+ I had a special invitation to join a fashion show crew over at the Femmina expo Athens. Details and pictures comming up!
There's something with me and yellow (rubber) ducks!
cropped top: Zara, cut-offs: Levi's, belt: MNG, bag: Uterque (overused...), sandals: moms, bangles: Uterque,